Rabu, 01 April 2015


Name    : Iftor fabrian
NIM       : 1114210141
Lecture  : Prof . Dr . Faisal Santiago, SH, MM
Subject   : Business Law

MEA was indeed recent will be implemented December 2015 to come, that means there is still time for Indonesia is almost 1 year to prepare this economic competition.
In the policy MEA, there are at least 12 priority will be the mainstream trade MEA good it services and products. In its application by 2015, MEA will apply the 12 priority sectors called the free flow of skilled labor for health care services, tourism, logistics, e-ASEAN, air transport services, agro-based products, electronic goods, fisheries, rubber-based products, textiles and apparel, automotive, and wood-based products.

The agreed memorandum of understanding, Indonesia must inevitably get involved. In the face of MEA, The Indonesia not only will be a witness, or the audience. But it will be a part and the offender itself. Then it was supposed to be the economic competition it needs to be addressed quickly, wisely and appropriately.
Moment of MEA for indonesia itself creates various polemics. Current free trade MEA, it could be an opportunity for Indonesia. The chances of it being felt so promising if the presence of Indonesia in the MEA is the nation as a productive, innovative and superior of its HUMAN RESOURCES. This moment can also be a challenge Indonesia in ASEAN'S trade competition he was. Whether Indonesia will be able to dominate the market? Whether indonesia is able to survive, or will be the losers? then, whether with the MEA, people's welfare Indonesia going forward? All depends how Indonesia Society ready to deal with it. You need to know is the MEA to form economic power, with market forces reached 604 million man. With the development of capital flows and goods move freely in MEA gave rise to concern. Because, from 604 million residents MEA, Indonesia's population reached 242,3 million, or the equivalent of 40 percent of the total area of the MEA. Indonesia, the only concern would be the target market. MEA will be cruel if Indonesia does not equip themselves with the skills and knowledge that is comparable to other Asean countries. Given the education and skill level — are in indonesia have not been safe or can be said to be far behind..
Various Obstacles Restricting

Indonesia is increasingly vulnerable to the target market because competitiveness is low due to poor infrastructure.

National and international regulation
The law is fair and firm, is still an expensive item in our country. When all the rules and systems we return again to the law and the applicable LAW. Especially in the face of MEA, the Government should really be careful in making rules that bind the Union, or the product to be "free market". Given the pattern of the consumerist society we are an easy target for Asean exporters. This is compounded by the Indonesia business person trying to reap personal gain.

Before the MEA-however, our country has been awash in foreign products, then how would it be if MEA is already underway? Strengthening the law. Assertiveness are the subject of sanctions in an effort to protect national economic resilience of Indonesia. The Government was supposed to see a massive gaffe occurred in the country. Routine monitoring and auditing. Thus, the term "latest soccer news directly ' frequent scapegoats, can be minimised or even eliminated altogether. Regulation or of these rules also have to be fair and firm, also must be in sync. Related regulation, our country has developed rules of sovereignty by forming the Autonomy areas. It is intended, in order for these rules and policies are not siaur or even collided. Because, the autonomous region, giving space to local governments to make policies respectively.

ASEAN Law Association (ALA) – an organization of judges and legal practitioners of the ASEAN-led by the Chairman of the Supreme Court (MA) Hatta Ali spawn some recommendations for dealing with the 2015 meeting held after the MEA since 9-11 may 2014 in Jakarta.

As reported by the official website of MA, there are at least seven steps (recommended) Ad Hoc ALA Committee Meeting. Here are the seven steps

1. Access to law and justice. The Association predicts with the introduction of MEA 2015 then the interaction of citizens from ASEAN member countries will increase. In case there are nationals of ASEAN countries that require legal assistance either criminal or constitutional, then the ALA serves to provide ease of access on the citizens.

2. Harmonization of laws in ASEAN countries. ALA will work closely with the Secretariat of the ASEAN high officials and law in ASEAN countries joined in ASEAN Senior Law Officials Meeting (ASLOM) legal mengharmoniskan and to identify related to investment and trade in order to face the ASEAN community 2015.

3. Electronic Library. ALA recommends that MA in ASEAN countries pioneered the formation of the ASEAN judicial portal containing legal regulations in the ASEAN countries and awards the monumental (landmark decisions) of the highest judiciary in the ASEAN countries.

4. training Relating to the judges. Training programs for judges from the ASEAN countries is expected to increase understanding of the dynamics of the development of the Justice of the law up to date. In addition, the training is designed to strengthen the knowledge of the judges in the face of an ASEAN community by 2015.

5. trade and investment Laws. ALA encourages the establishment of the Committee on trade and investment which acts within the framework of the ASEAN position, learn the rules of the WTO (World Trade Organization) and study the changes in trade and investment laws of each of the ASEAN countries.

6. ASEAN Studies Center. ALA also encourages the establishment of an ASEAN Studies Center in college or research centres to encourage research on laws in ASEAN countries. The goal in order to harmonize laws in ASEAN countries in order to face the ASEAN community 2015.

7. Alternative dispute resolution. ALA assess the use of alternate dispute resolution among businessmen in ASEAN countries would further increase over the upcoming ASEAN community in 2015. However, the application of alternative dispute resolution – arbitration and mediation in particular-in the ASEAN countries still vary widely from one country to another country

As information, the Ad Hoc Committee Meeting was attended by 18 delegates from 9 countries of the ASEAN Law Association members from Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. This meeting aims to prepare a strong legal foundation for the countries in ASEAN in order to face the ASEAN community which will begin in 2015.


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