Name: Asyifa Pritazora
NIM: 1214210039
Lecture: Prof, DR Faisal
Subject: Business Law
Economic Community
ASEAN's ambitions to form the AEC are
driven by external and internal development area. On the external side, Asia is predicted to become
the new economic power, with supported by
India, China, and
ASEAN countries. Currently, based on the World Bank
report (2014), using the purchasing
power parity (PPP) international
dollars, ASEAN economies accounted for 6 percent
of global GDP. It makes ASEAN as
the fifth largest economic bloc in the world
after NAFTA (20
per cent), the EU (17 percent), China
(16 percent), and
India (7 percent).
Meanwhile, from the internal region, the Asian financial
crisis in 1997/1998 provides
further motivation for the regional integration
agenda in order to build a more resilient financial
volatility macro. In addition, ASEAN also
has a growing middle class young age very rapidly
which can provide
new sources of growth in this region.
Now, AEC was in front of the
eyes, and we should ask, the extent
to which the preparation of
Indonesia in the era of trade
liberalization this? Because as the country with the largest economy in
ASEAN, with about 40 percent of the GDP
of ASEAN, and almost
half of the
population of ASEAN, Indonesia
is an important factor
in the MEA which
will take place this.
readiness of Indonesia
if we look at the
data from BPS per October 2014 alone,
not-yet implemented
AEC, Indonesia has experienced a trade deficit
with Thailand which
reached 3.36 billion US dollars. Of course this is not a small figure. Not
to mention if we look at the ranking of Indonesia according to the Global Competitiveness
Index, which is still in a 38th of 148 countries, lagging far
from Singapore who
finished 2nd, Malaysia at position 24, and Thailand at position 37. Then,
what should optimize for one year so that we can reap the benefit
of the AEC that
will take place this.
are two strategies that must be done if the country is going to profit by the
AEC. Therev are strategy into the country and abroad. Which will be discussed
is the domestic strategy. Strategy into the efforts made in the country in
order to face the AEC, such as the use of domestic products, the improvement of
infrastructure and improvement of the national logistics system, improving the
quality of human resources, and build industry-based value-added. As we know,
the lack of infrastructure support, poor transportation systems / logistics,
lack of legal instruments, and the limited number of competent human resources
is a major obstacle facing this nation. It has been commonplace to hear that
poor infrastructure problems often lead to high costs of production and this
leads to, for example, local fruit farmers result we are often more expensive
than fruit imports from China that cause local fruit cannot compete in their
own country. Likewise, in terms of law is enforcement problem. The
entrepreneurs are in need of legal certainty and the rule of law in Indonesia
as a country frame of law.
Legal conditions in Indonesia
today are more frequent criticism than praise.
Various criticisms directed both with regard to law enforcement, legal awareness, the quality of law, and
also weak implementation of various regulations. Criticism
leveled so often
associated with law
enforcement in Indonesia. Most people talk that
the law in Indonesia that can be
purchased, which won those with rank, name and
power, which have
much money should be safe from
disturbance state law even if the rules
are violated. There is recognition in the
community that can be purchased
because the law then
the law enforcement officers cannot be
expected to perform law enforcement thorough and fair. So far, the
law does not just run as a mere routine but
also mocked as
merchandise. The law should be the instrument
of renewal of society, has turned into a kind of killing machine motivated by the uncertain legal.
Article 1
(3) of Chapter I, the Third Amendment to the 1945 Constitution, has made it
clear that Indonesia is a country of law, meaning that the Republic of
Indonesia is a state based on law (rechtsstaat), not based on power
(machtstaat), and the rule of system constitution (basic law), not absolutism
(unlimited power). As a consequence of Article 1 (3) Third Amendment to the
1945 Constitution, there are three basic principles shall be upheld by all
citizens, namely: the rule of law, equality before the law, and law enforcement
in ways that do not conflict with the law. Indonesian legal system should
produce legislation that can serve as a rule in the life of the state and
society. But in fact the legislation that is still causing uncertainty in its
implementation. Similarly, human rights, respect for the law and human rights
is a must and there should be no pressure from any party to do so.
Nation building
is basically also intended to meet the basic rights of citizens. It is
not only the
duty of the government, but also of all citizens that
these rights can be met consistently
and continuously. If enforced,
the law and human
rights, the rule of security, peace,
or harmonious life
will be realized. But otherwise without
the rule of law will lead to uncertainty for the community and ultimately hinder the
implementation of everyday life in
meeting their needs.
To see
the condition of the implementation of
the rule of law and human rights at this time, there is some legal
theory that should be mentioned.
First, based on the theory of Van Vollenhoven
on the implementation of government power that the government has 4
(four) kinds of functions,
namely, the function Bestuur/function
command, function Politie / police
functions, function Justitie/hearing
function, and function Regelaar / function
set. In this case, the implementation of these functions must be in the
underlying by law because in it there is an element of order which is to be
achieved both in terms of administration and in the legal sense. The order
in question is the purpose of the law as delivered by socrates
and Purnadi Purbacaraka
and Soerjono Soekarno.
Second, Immanuel Kant's theory according to which
state the purpose of law is to ensure that the legal position of individuals
in society, so that the rule of law must have
two (2) main elements, namely, the protection of human rights and the
separation of powers in the state. Then, the
theory A.V. Dicey on The Rule of Law
theory or rule by
law or Government
of Judiciary, who
said that this
theory has three
(3) elements namely, supremacy of law, equality
before the law (equal
footing before the law), and the rights not rooted in
the Constitution or the Constitution but has
existed since human beings are born. Both theory shows
how the different implementation of a
state of law. Indonesia
itself based on Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution took prismatic
or integrative concepts
of the two theories.
on some of the theories in the field of law as described above, to achieve
these functions must be preceded by a matter of law because in it there is an
element of order which is to be achieved both in terms of administration and in
the legal sense. Order in question is the purpose of the law as delivered by
socrates, and specifically to Indonesia by Purnadi Purbacaraka and Soerjono
Soekarno which means the birth of harmony, peace, and justice based on the
values of Pancasila. In addition, the theory of Immanuel Kant representing
the Continental European countries and the theory of AV Dicey representing
Anglo-Saxon countries as well as the concept of Indonesia based on Pancasila
and the 1945 Constitution has taken the concept of integrative both theories,
showing the same thing with the characteristics of the need for a state
guarantee the legal position and the recognition of human rights of individuals
in the community, as well as the equation before the law. Three is a principle
that is universal, the difference is just how the process of implementation of
these three traits.
that, in line with
the Socratic theory of the state that
the state's duty is to educate citizens in virtue
of promoting the happiness of the citizens and
make their lives as
good as possible, and the theory
of CJM Schuyt who said that the law as a system of
interwoven values that gave birth to their personal interests and
the public interest, it is expected that the Government can create the rule of
law and human rights both within the government and in society.
Relation to
the issue of how "legal" right and fair can be established and
enforced in Indonesia, it is expected that there are improvements in the
material aspects of the legal, human resources, law enforcement, the legal
infrastructure and legal culture, the explanation is as follows:
Law contents.
the aspect of the contents,
in general, be expected is the creation of legal
materials that can answer the problems of the nation and the state. To that
end, the legislation in force
in Indonesia, including prevailing in the area in
the form of regional regulation
shall be in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution is important because according to the opinion and Soerjono Purnadi
Purbacaraka Soekarno that for the Indonesian nation Pancasila is joint
legal harmony. While
the theory presented by Prof. Mochtar
Kusumaatmadja that the concept of Roscoe Pound
said law as
a tool of social engineering can be applied with a note
that the utilization of the law as a means to
manipulate the public by government policy
scenarios addressed to the birth of the rule of law.
Resources Law Enforcement.
From the aspect of human resources law enforcement, in
general, is expected in addition to professional law enforcement but also have
good leadership and mentally. As it is known that in addition to the Commission
specifically addressing corruption, the institution most responsible for law
enforcement in addition to the Commission is the police, prosecutors and the
Judiciary. It is expected to law enforcement officers or their human resources
can be clean, dignified, and professional.
In addition
to human resources law enforcement, human resources in other areas of law such
as legal researchers, designer’s legislation, implementing, and law
enforcement, is expected also to be professional. In terms of preparing and
discussing a law, the government can be said to have a special institution that
handles the research and development of a law. In contrast to all members of
Parliament who do not understand the material laws? Thus Parliament is also
expected to have an expert staff of legislation that can charge all areas of
law, so as to assess the legal materials not only on political considerations.
Infrastructure Law.
On the legal aspects of infrastructure that is expected is
the supporting infrastructure of the
modern legal management
system. Expected, the pattern of development of infrastructure of law, must
be related to planning law,
counseling, legal information network, implementation
/ enforcement, and
legal services. To that end, planning law, law
enforcement and law enforcement
to modernize. Expected modernization priority on
infrastructure includes building law, urban
design and layout of the room, office equipment,
transportation equipment, computerized,
housing, welfare of employees, publishing and libraries.
Legal culture is the values and behavior of community
members in the life of the law, then the cultural aspects of the law, is
expected to create the legal culture in all walks of life. Legal culture is one
component in a legal system. However, as has been mentioned that the emergence
of legal culture is not solely because of the law but also influenced by other
factors. These factors emerge as cultural include aspects of society to live.
Culture also means a way of life which is the result of learning from the
natural and social environment.
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