Rabu, 01 April 2015


Name     : Muhammad Zaky Adilarif
NIM        : 1214210210
Lecture   : Prof . Dr . Faisal Santiago, SH, MM
Subject   : Business Law

 Economies of Southeast Asia seemed to be an inevitable phenomenon. That is, like it or not, ready or not ASEAN Economic Community 2015 will roll officially on January 1, 2016. After experiencing delays in the execution of about a year, the leaders of the ASEAN countries agreed and remains confident this moment continue to higher stages. While the debate about Indonesia's readiness to deal with it continues to reverberate in everywhere, but no concrete steps from political parties concerning this matter. In fact, election-winning party anybody will be faced with the challenge of ASEAN Economic Community 2015. There are at least two views circulates in society about the ASEAN Economic Community  2015. First, accept the ASEAN Economic Community as an inevitability that could not have been avoided despite the readiness of Indonesia.

For those who believe in this view, the strengthening of competitiveness with improved governance, strengthening the capacity of law enforcement, and indiscriminately into key while performing domestic improvements, including minimizing the losses that occur from the integration of the domestic economy with regional and global economy. The second view suggests that Indonesia should be independent, not dependent with the outside world. In fact, it doesn't need to be integrated with the global world. This thought can be categorized more isolationist.The focus on empowerment of human and natural resources in our own country with the highest possible utilisation for especially Indonesia people. In the extreme in the context of ASEAN Economic Community , participation in this process should be considered and if necessary steps are more nationalistic. Of the two opposing views that appear different consequences. Ironically, whatever the views espoused, there are no political parties that are clearly thinking about them, much less make it happen in a concrete work.Moreover, the election focus will still face the legislative seats contested in various ways.

 5 (five) of the subject goods from ASEAN Economic Community that would not be considered one eye. It took a thorough and systematic preparation well encompassing his regulation devices and infra-structure to support it. This is certainly not to be an exaggeration, given the ASEAN Economic Community, not just the products goods could get out in Indonesia, but also labor, services, and capital. Moreover, as a country that has the largest population and the largest natural resources compared to other ASEAN countries, Indonesia has certainly become a potential market for their products. One of the important tools that need to be prepared to face the ASEAN Economic Community was the construction of the legal system in the form of legislation in favor of the needs of ASEAN Economic Community. Preparation of legal devices support AEC also is not an easy thing to do. This is due to the application of the ASEAN economic integration is still restricted by the policies and economic decisions that are owned by the respective ASEAN countries. This poses a challenge when Indonesia would like to cooperate more closely with other ASEAN countries,Indonesia inevitably must be able to make decisions together.

The issue, on the one side, Indonesia is still reluctant to split some sovereignty, but on the other hand the fact on the ground the Government must realistically to face the demands of the market economy and trade. In the end, the Government of Indonesia will be in a situation that forced it to take a policy together and collectively. The condition that the laws force the invitations that are in line with the policies of the ASEAN Economic Community must contain the same principles, or at least have basic philosophical and sociological value that supports the principles of the ASEAN Economic Community. This is considered important because if our invitation laws yet in line regulations, not the impossible, Indonesia only as a country of destination of sales of goods and services as a result of the ASEAN Economic Community rather than as perpetrators of trafficking itself. Legal developments Expected in the capacity to be able to embody the participation of Indonesia in the cauldron of the ASEAN economic community, or AEC, surely this is not an easy thing. Necessary preparation and of maturity both in terms of legislation,human resources engaged, as well as the infrastructure that supports it. 
In terms of the formation of Indonesia's laws and regulations that support the implementation of the AEC, the establishment of a legal product should be in line with the direction of the development of national law as the Foundation in creating and shaping the 3 regulation legislation in question. If you see the view from Romli Atmasasmita, who stated that the development of national law implicitly reflect that until recently in Indonesia still occurs the process of social change towards the modernization of legislation process are packed in a regular and continuous improvement by incorporating socio cultural aspects that support the direction of such changes. This suggests that the development of our national law continues to undergo changes towards modernization with notes keep plugging his socio cultural aspects.In the long term National Development Plan 2005-2025 as stated in Act No. 17 of 2007, not yet seen concretely support the development of national laws in the face of changes to international trade, one of which in the form of the ASEAN economic community, or AEC.

In one of the national development vision provided in Long-term National development plan mentioned that the vision of the national development aims to realize Indonesia plays an important role internationally in the Association by way of solidifying diplomacy Indonesia in order to fight for national interests; Indonesia's commitment to continue the formation of identity and the establishment of international and regional integration; and encouraging international cooperation, regionally and bilaterally between communities, between groups, as well as between institutions in various fields. While the principal goal of this vision is to restore the important position of Indonesia as a democratic State that is marked by the success of diplomacy in international fora in the maintenance of national security, territorial integrity, and safeguarding the natural resources of the national wealth; the realization of national independence in a global constellation; and increased investment companies Indonesia abroad. Next in Long-term National Development Plan 2005-2025, there is a direction of development in order to create a nation of Indonesia which has competitiveness particularly in strengthening domestic economy with a global orientation and competitive power.

To strengthen the domestic economy with a global orientation and the competitive power, need to do some strategic steps in between doing a gradual transformation from an economy based on comparative advantages in natural resources into the economy a competitive edge; still developing economy that is based on the principles of economic democracy that observes the national interest so that the assured opportunity seek and work for the whole of society and encourage the achievement of poverty reduction; and in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the economy globally, the industrial sector need to be built in order to create the environment of micro enterprise (local) which can stimulate the growth of related industries that healthy and strong through (1) value added chain through the development of diversified products (downstream development), we may, to the detriment of the structure or overall development (upstream-downstream); (2) strengthening relationships between related industries including industrial horizontal support and complement industry, including multinational companies associated with networking, as well as strengthening relations with primary sector activities and services that support it; and (3) the provision of a range of infrastructure for improved collective capacity, among other things, include the physical facilities and infrastructure (transport, communications, energy, and infrastructure technologies;measurement infrastructure, standardization, testing and quality control; and infrastructure as well as the education and training of industrial manpower) 

 In relation to the enactment of the AEC will or ASEAN Economic Community 2015. It should be the direction of development of national laws, which implied earlier in RPJPN, directed to support the start of the AEC. It is becoming important to the implementation of the AEC forums especially for Indonesia could be implemented for all stakeholders involved. Nevertheless the legal developments should still be guidedby the directions of the national development corridors in General by incorporating socio cultural aspects that support the direction of such changes. If looking at the AEC blueprint as has been described previously, there are several settings in the fields of law that need to be there for immediate adjustments (adjustment). According to the author's view there are at least fourteen (14) field arrangements and regulations that need to be adjusted to the introduction of the AEC. The fields of trade, industry, investment, labor, food, agriculture, forestry, taxation, consumer protection,intellectual property rights, air transportation, health, tourism, and small and medium enterprises. However, there are also laws that in the settings associated with the spirit of the setting in the AEC.
            As an example of arrangements concerning the protection of consumers in the AEC as already disclosed in the earlier, that exposure to consumer protection, policies that attempted to build a competitive economic region, performed with such activities including strengthening consumer protection in the ASEAN Coordinating Committee through the establishment of consumer protection the ASEAN countries as well as consumer protection agencies build networks to facilitate the exchange of information. In article 34 paragraph (2) of Act No. 8 of 1999 on the protection of Consumers stated that in carrying out its work, the National Consumer Protection Agency may cooperate with international consumer organizations. Please note that current National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) has been established since 2004, and currently has entered the 3rd stewardship until the year 2016. Associated with the settings in article 34 paragraph (2) it can be noted that the authority of Indonesia represented by BPKN opens the possibility to do with co-operation with International consumer protection organization, so this shows also that spirit in the AEC Coordination Committee declared that the protection of consumers of the ASEAN countries.


=> http://tirtamursitama.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Parpol-dan-Masyarakat-ASEAN-2015-Koran-Sindo-07052013.pdf
=> http://rechtsvinding.bphn.go.id/jurnal_online/ARAH%20PEMBANGUNAN%20HUKUM.pdf

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