Kamis, 02 April 2015


Name     : Kirana Mulyacantika
NIM       : 1214210168
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Faisal Santiago, SH, MM
Subject   : Business Law on Agreement Letter


The undersigned: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I.                   Mr. Budi Namayastana, entrepreneur, residing in North Jakarta, Indonesia, the holder of ID card number 12120001234, issued by the local authorities, on March 23 2015, in this case acting for his own, heirs, beneficiaries (FIRST PARTY) will later be referred as: --------------------------------PLEDGOR/DEBTOR-------------------------

II.                PT. BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO), --------------------------------------------------------located in Jakarta, in this case represented by: Muchtar Hari, employee ID number 90092122, resides in Jakarta, as the Branch Head of PT. BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO) Branch Jakarta Mega Kuningan.

In this case acting as his position mentioned earlier and therefore is legitimately act for and in the name of PT. BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO) based on Power of Attorney number 111 dated September 14 2014, which was issued before Notary Galuh SH, in Jakarta, to later be referred as: --------------BANK-------------------------

The parties have agreed to make a submission agreement in Liens of Deposits under the following terms and provisions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.      PLEDGOR pledge to BANK as BANK accepts the mortgage of the PLEDGOR in form of 1 (one) Time Deposit Slip issued by PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Branch Jakarta Mega Kuningan with Gyro Number: A 055672 worth Rp. 500.000.000,00 (five hundred Million Rupiah) on his own behalf with a period of 3 (three months) which extended automatically (Automatic Roll Over). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.      This agreement is also applied as the BANK receipt from PLEDGOR on Time Deposit Slip which is used in Paragraph 1 of this article. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.      As long as Deposit are submitted in liens of deposits, every benefit in form of interest from the Deposit mentioned earlier remain as the property and will be enjoyed by PLEDGOR---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Based on Article 1, thereby PLEDGOR grants an irrevocable Authority to the BANK to: --------

1.      Extend the term, if the Deposit submitted in Liens of Deposit has reached its maturity. ---
2.      Liquefy the Time Deposit Slip mentioned earlier to pay all or part of DEBTOR’s debt to BANK if DEBTOR didn’t fulfill his debt which rooted in Credit Agreement Number PK/0003/MDR-MK/III/2015 dated March 23 2015 including its addendums as well as debts resulted from other Credit Agreement nor any other facilities which are possible to be made and signed at a later time. If it turns out there is still more left after deducting the costs, the excess cash will be handed back to the DEBTOR.-----------------------------------
If DEBTOR succeed in fulfilling his entire obligation to pay the debt to the BANK which rose or based on Credit Agreements proofed by statement from the BANK, then automatically the submission of collateral agreement in lien ends void and the deposit mentioned earlier solely become the property of the PLEDGOR of the Deposit Slip referred. ----------------------------------
Every costs resulted from this Agreement are wholly charged to the PLEDGOR/DEBTOR. ----
About this Agreement and every of its consequences the parties have decided a general and unchanged legal domicile in Kantor Badan Urusan Piutang dan Lelang Negara (BUPLN) in South Jakarta. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thus, this mortgage agreement was signed in Jakarta on March 23 2015, made 3 copies, 2 of them are original copies with sufficient stamp, each has the same legal force before the court, one original copy for the BANK and the other original copy for the PLEDGOR. -------------------

   PLEDGOR/DEBTOR                                                PT BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO)
   Mr. Budi Namayastana                                                                 Muchtar Hari

                                                                                                            Branch Head

1. witness : Galuh, SH

Rabu, 01 April 2015


Name      : Kirana Mulyacantika
NIM       : 1214210168
Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Faisal Santiago, SH, MM
Subject   : Business Law

   As a region which is occupied by more than 600 million lives, ASEAN has always been very ravishing. Proved by at least historically, except for Thailand, every nation in this region had gone through a colonization period. The motives were to get a strategic position and an abundance source of natural resources. Name it, England, France, Portuguese, America, Japan, and their alliances. Now, when ASEAN rose as a “ravishing” region, those country which then had “torn” our sovereignty, are once again present to enjoy ASEAN. Now, they aim not only the strategic position and natural resources but also the abundance market resources of ASEAN.
   As a region, ASEAN did go through changes from time to time. Since its foundation on 1967, the initial motivation of the organization which was only formed by 6 nations was to acknowledge the sovereignty of each nation and preserve the stability of each of its regional security. At those times, the ASEAN nations’ condition still went through internal problems. The presence of the superior nations in that region also triggered conflicts between the states. But, 50 years later, ASEAN has changed. The world’s politic and economic developments also take part of affecting ASEAN’s social society, politics, and economic until the coronation of ASEAN as a region which have dynamic economic development and have the most stable region.
   According to Fahmi Raddy, one of the spirits triggered the establishment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is to unite all the South East Asian citizens in a huge community where their interaction is no longer bounded by the state boundaries. This integration spirit also based on people to people principle, not state to state interaction anymore. According to this lecturer and researcher from UGM Yogyakarta, AEC leads to a free market, meaning there would not be national market but a South East Asian market.
   The problem is whether or not the states in the shade of ASEAN are ready to face this free market condition. Living in a borderless zone could give opportunity and of course intriguing. But do all of the states of ASEAN have the same capability to compete with one another? At least ASEAN has decided its political decision to be a region that could not live with boundaries of goods and services from other states.
   In order to push the birth of a competitive region, ASEAN has set up a framework on the designed mechanism of the ASEAN free market. The formula of competition policy becomes a very strategic issue. To push this, ASEAN has agreed to the ASEAN Economic Blueprint (2007) as the foundation of bringing AEC which one of the key characteristics is the reach of Competitive Economic Region through implementation of policy and the competition law.
   In the context of ASEAN free market, the Policy and Competitive Law would be much needed, because at the end of 2015 the free market will officially be opened. Before, the trading transaction happens separately in 10 nations namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. In 2015, the trading transaction will be integrated in one free market. Thus, for businessmen that want to expand their business in ASEAN or get in touch with other businessmen across the ASEAN have to understand the laws which apply to each state, including the competitive law.
   The effort of creating competitiveness through law and competition policy had been done by some actions. Through ASEAN Expert Group on Competition (AEGC) as a structural organization in ASEAN which handles the implementation of competitive law. It is recorded there are 5 states that already applied the competitive law, namely Indonesia and Thailand (1999), Singapore and Vietnam (2004) and Malaysia (2012), while others still on legislation process.
   Indonesia as one of the first state that applied the competitive law has actively play a role as the centre of excellence in developing the competitive law in ASEAN through sharing experience, labor transfer to other member states, comparative study and internships, also gives a significant contribution in the preparation of some of AEGC products as the leader in preparation of Guidelines on Developing Core Competencies in Competition Policy and Law for ASEAN (2013) and actively contributing in the set up of ASEAN Regional Guidelines Policy (2010) and Handbook on Competition Policy and Law in ASEAN for Business (2011).
   Implementation of ASEAN Economic Blueprint in order to realize AEC will bring new consequences for business world in Indonesia. In competitive perspective, consequences from the opening of free flow of goods and services are the emerge of new competition, new relevant market and the potential contact with competitive law of other neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.

   In a seminar about “Food Security and Competition Policy in Facing the ASEAN Common Market” held by Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) together with the Faculty of agriculture of Hassanudin University, Makasar, many are concerned that Indonesia would become the loser in this era. According to Prof. Dr. Saleh Ali, the upcoming AEC 2015 can both be a blessing and calamity for Indonesia. It will be a calamity if our agricultural product cannot compete with other state’s products. The flow of capital and investment from outside would only dredge our crops and human capital. That’s why we need to optimize Indonesia’s agricultural sector by enhancing the connectivity between region to be a part of ASEAN, and later on global level.
   Other concern comes from businessmen. According to the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Suryo Bambang Sulisto, government nor business world in Indonesia still haven’t given the sign of integrating a program in preparation of facing AEC 2015, because our private sector is still far out of the circle of the nation’s decision making. Another view came from Prof. Dr. Hendrawan Supratikno, member of Komisi 5 from PDI-P fraction. According to Hendrawan, the competitiveness of our local product is still very weak compared to imported products. The flood of imported product in Indonesia clearly indicates the situation. This has to be carefully observed and improved, if not Indonesia might become the loser country in South East Asia.

   In entering the ASEAN free market, the competitiveness of our state is definitely the most important. Law structure and competition policy which push the dynamics national competition has to be more intense and need to be implement. As an organization which supervises law and policy of competition, KPPU position is highly important to win this market competition. That is why KPPU has to be inside of one of the government’s strategy, because if not, there is possibility that KPPU will be used as an important tool to enhance imported products, whereas KPPU could be one of the instruments to win the market competition.
   According to member of DPR RI form Fraksi Partai Demokrat, Azam Azman, KPPU has an important role in enhancing national competitiveness and protecting citizens’ interest. Therefore, DPR will strengthen the function and authority of KPPU through the revision of UU No. 5 Tahun 1999 about Prohibition of Corruption and Healthy Business Competition.

   To strengthen KPPU’s function, komisi VI DPR RI committed to do a revision of UU No. 5 Tahun 1999 about Anti-Monopoly and Unhealthy Business Competition. The chosen KPPU commissioner is asked to be braver in practicing his duties according to the function and authorities, also to promote initiatives, ideas in practicing his duties dealing with cases related to healthy business.

Source :

Law enforcement of Indonesi Society in entering AEC 2015

Name: Yola Wulan Dadari
NIM: 1214210348
Lecture: Prof . Dr . Faisal Santiago, SH, MM
Subject: business law

The gateway to the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) cooperation 2015 will soon be opened. What is AEC? ASEAN Economic Community is a community of nations in Southeast Asia who are members of ASEAN to realize an integrated economy. The Countries which are members of the AEC doing single market system it means this is the first milestone  of an open competition among all ASEAN member countries in the economic sector covering freer flow of goods, services, investment, skilled labor and capital. This is the challenge for Indonesia in the opening AEC 2015,  it also as a reflection materials for the preparation. Jakarta Governor in the Governor's speech ASEAN meeting in Jakarta, Wednesday (18/09/2013) revealed that 80% of Indonesian people claimed never heard of AEC  program (bisnis.liputan6.com). The data indicates that the public understanding of the AEC still low.
Indonesia must speed up preparations for AEC, because if Indonesia does not make changes, Indonesia will be affected by the negative effect of AEC. In my opinion¸ AEC have many negative effect for Indonesia, because Laws and regulations in Indonesia is not strong enough to face the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. In recent decades there are a lot of legal issues related to the legal system, including the functional relationship between the law enforcement agency that is considered not running. 
This was shown by the case of seed and Chandra respectively KPK deputy chairman year period 2007 - 2011, and then repeated again with the stipulation Komjen Budi Gunawan police chief candidates KPK year period 2011 - 2015 as a suspect, and vice versa, vice chairman of the Commission Widjojanto defined by the Criminal Investigation Police as a suspect.
Another problem is the emergence of regional autonomy will bring its own challenges. Because sometimes the area is often publishes sectoral regulations and primordial. As we can se there are many conflicts of the central government and local governments to issue regulations, especially around the extractive industries such as oil and gas, minerals, mines, forests, plantations and others.
Until this year, still needed a lot of synchronization regulations
at all levels for the implementation of MEA  so that not potential dispute.
On the contrary many regulations precisely made to provide loopholes for the strengthening of foreign domination inIndonesia.For example, foreign ownership of some investments in the banking and finance industry which can be above 50% it would not benefit Indonesia
In this problem government should doing law enforcement to reform the legal system integrally related to both the legislation, institutions and law enforcement agencies should be directed to the values ​​of Pancasila, so that the impact of the ASEAN Economic Community which will commence at the end of the year 2015 can be filtered, so it does not affect the value of nation life in Indonesia
To fix the substantive law (legal substance) in support of the preparation of the Asean Economy Community and to improve global competitive index there are some things government can do:
1. Reforming laws and national legislation and areas that support the prevention and repression of various criminal offenses including economic crimes and corruption consistently and comprehensively.
2. Implement harmonization and preparation of various laws and regulations including those related to corruption and criminal acts such economy (labour Law, Taxation, Banking etc) and adapted to the needs of AEC, so that synergy and synchronization in order to avoid differences in perception, but with remain grounded in the values ​​of Pancasila.
3. Establish procedures as a reference standard in building and consolidating national systems and mechanisms to control and rescue investment into Indonesia
4. Make a reference implementation of the standard procedures in order to rescue the country's wealth of assets from a variety of fields including corruption.
5. Make reference to develop and implement a strategy of cooperation at local, national and international in the prevention and repression of acts of crime effectively, including corruption
Legal Structure
Increased professionalism and proportionality wisdom and integrity of law enforcement officials considering the many issues related to international trade, labor, taxation and others at the time of the AEC, so we need a more comprehensive understanding by law enforcement agencies related to these issues and to relieve or other issues of international law in order to provide law enforcement services more dignified.

Functional relationship between the law enforcement agencies with each other must be peratian because they lack of a common vision and mission in coordination requires a perception approach to systemic process, so as to inhibit and may encourage more forward exclusivism because Insititusinya sectoral ego.

Problematic facilities and supporting infrastructure, both infrastructure and supra-structure or associated with hardware and software that have not been fulfilled as office buildings, transportation, tape recorders, cameras, computers, internet, welfare, etc., as well as take home pay of law enforcement officials which also determines the success of law enforcement itself and is very important to support law enforcement in order to welcome the AEC.

Maintain the values ​​of Pancasila in foreign values ​​will go. Pancasila as the characteristics and falsasah Indonesian nation with values ​​that are universal should be a process of actualization and the existence of law enforcement agencies, particularly the judiciary.
These are some negative effect and breakthrough that government do to face AEC 2015.One of the negative effect is inflation rate. Indonesia's inflation rate in the field of macro is still lower than other countries that feared not being able to hold the inflation. The number of Indonesia population which is big also bring consequences for income distribution.
The other  effect is competitiveness of human resources. Majority  population In Indonesian are productive age group. However, the challenge of competitiveness of human resources will have an impact on employment. Large corporations   prefer receiving qualified human resources. How  if the foreign workers  enter to  Indonesia like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and  Philippines who have English communication skills are better than Indonesia, so where are Indonesian workers can work. Coordination among relevant stakeholders must begin in order to minimize the negative impacts that would be detrimental to the people of Indonesia in the era of MEA 2015.
Towards the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) and the free market era in 2015, the Indonesian government will make policies to regulate Foreign Workers (TKA). It aims to protect the Indonesian Workers. The government will tighten by issuing regulations about job position that can be occupied by foreign workers so that Indonesian workers will still be absorbed well said Secretary General of the Ministry of Labor Abdul Wahab Bangkona in Communication Forum Bakohumas Indonesian Ministry of Labour ", in Jakarta, Thursday (13/11/2014).
For companies that employ foreign workers, there are provisions that need to be observed, for example, the employer must have a legal entity and appoint the one who accompanies from Indonesian worker. Accompanying this function to transfer knowledge of foreign labor to Indonesian workers. With so expected Indonesian workers who provide assistance to acquire knowledge so that the future is able to hold the post of foreign workers.
Similiarity of product is also the effect of AEC. In view of the industry in Indonesia, MEA is incarnated as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the presence of the MEA to facilitate Indonesian products marketed abroad, on the one hand also threaten the existence of native Indonesian products. Especially products that have not been patented or registered as copyright intellectual property (HAKI).
In the future there are so many similiar product which have better quality and branded.  Indonesia should think about the right strategy for its export. The product should have special characteristics from Indonesia which have good quality so that the consumers interested to subscribe.
Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Creative Economy and MICE field, Budyarto Linggowijono revealed that the greatest threat in MEA related to copy right that will be faced by actors Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) and small creative industries. because, small industry still lay the importance of HAKI registration on the product and brand. Usually, they are satisfied with the performance of products are built accepted by consumers. Regardless of whether the product they are easily imitated or hijacked. "The main problem is the lack of awareness from small business to do copy right registration," said Republika Budyarto on Monday (27/10).
Based on data from kadin, about 30 percent of new brands and products that are already registered as intellectual property rights. And more than 70 percent have not been registered. According Budyarto, entrepreneurs who have not registered their HAKI products and brands from small and medium businesses. In fact, the creative industry in Indonesia is very dynamic and constantly evolving. If businesses still have not registered their products and brands, they will be overwhelmed by a flood of foreign products .
Budyarto added, small and medium businesses should already be prepared to face the attacks of foreign products when applied MEA. Therefore, for large industries, the issue of intellectual property rights does not matter much. Indeed, it would be threatened during the MEA is a product and brand from UKM.
The government has imposed a new Copyright Act since Sept. 16. 2014. As a form to change act No. 19 of 2002 "For the record, the previous law, there is no word piracy. In addition, the latest call the Copyright Act criminal penalties of 10 years for pirarcy,".this is a way to provide security for creative people of Indonesia.
The regulation of Consumer Protection also needs to be applied more extensively by law enforcement officers from the police to the prosecutor.welcoming MEA at the end of 2015, the Consumer Protection Act No. 8 of 1999 already has a comprehensive substance regarding restrictions or arrangements for the producers or entrepreneurs.
"Understanding the law needs to be emphasized, including all court levels. Some cases involving the protection of consumers do not finish. It also shows that judges need to get a thorough understanding of the Consumer Protection Act
”.Said head of Consumer Institute Yogyakarta John Widijantoro Sunday (04/01/2015).
I think AEC have many negative effect for Indonesia if Indonesia doesn’t prepare it.  Therefore Indonesia should do law enforcement and improve the quality of its human resources to become skilled labor so it can be used both in domestic and intra-ASEAN, to prevent the flood of  labor from outside. Of course we dont want see Indonesia  just  can be  viewer without playing